Tuesday, April 26, 2005

CC - Courtesy Copy !

I did not know this. And I bet you didn’t know either…unless you work with NASA or ISRO or Mossad.

We all CC our mails in our daily life. But do you know what CC stands for? Carbon Copy?

There, I got you! It is wrong. I came to know yesterday that CC stands for “Courtesy Copy.” So much for all those orders from my boss: ‘Send Rajesh the mail and CC me.” I guess, he should stop using the word “CC”.

This left me wondering what “BCC” stands for. Apparently, it does mean “Blind Courtesy Copy” because the protagonist is blind to the information that somebody else has also been CC-ed.

Before I could confirm that “BCC” stands for “Blind Courtesy Copy”…I thought it was an acronym for “Blind Carbon Copy” …ofcourse.....Hey…would you want to forward this Blog url to your friends? If yes, why don’t you CC me?

Courtesy Copy, of course.